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A short open source game in English is published on the official site and everyone has a couple of weeks to submit their translations. LocJAM is (was?) an online contest for game translators. I am planning to update this page regularly with new packages ready to be translated as well as links to other useful resources. I have also put together a number of tips to help you find small translation projects and gain that all-too-important mileage in the localization industry. To help you with this, I have a gathered a list of games you can freely translate right now and add to your samples. One solution can be to build your own portfolio of sample translations & projects. Everybody wants you to be experienced before sending you projects, but you need to work on translation projects to gain experience. It is meant to be both educational and slightly provocative, with the sole intent of making people think about these topics and, hopefully, realize that each of us can make a difference in helping to end poverty.Getting started as a professional game translator is a bit of a catch-22 situation. It is not precise in all details, but covers a wide range of topics. Will you prosper despite corruption and lack of basic necessities? Or will endless wars, diseases, droughts, and unreliable markets perpetuate your economic disadvantage and spell your ultimate doom?ģrd World farmer is a serious game, developed on a very slim budget. ‘3rd World Farmer lets you experience some of the hardships of farming in a poor country. They could also write a story or a narrative on what happened to them.

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I’d suggest students try playing the game then report back to the class on the difficulties that they faced. 3rd World Farmer can be used with kids and teenagers to educate them on the problems that families in other countries face to make ends meet.

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